Monday, September 8, 2008

Olverson’s After Hanna

Mentally we had planned to stay at Olverson’s for at least five days and even though Hanna was not the storm we had anticipated we decided to stay the five days just the same. This gave us plenty of time to visit with our friends Mike and Linda from Steele’n Time. I was able to work on the blog, do laundry, use the full kitchen at Olverson’s to cook a couple of meals that I can freeze as well as the time honored hanging out. Between times of relaxing and knitting, I have been able to keep my schedule of running every other day. I have not seen any weight loss yet and in fact I think I am eating more. Now if I am running just so that I can eat more then I will have to re-evaluate this plan – I think I just like to eat and drink wine too much…What do you think Dr Phil would tell me to do...hmmmm

Captain Mark was much more motivated than I was so he changed engine’s oil. I am so impressed by this accountant’s reformation into a blue collar mechanic wantabe. So far on this trip he has replaced the impeller in the generator, twice correctly diagnosed the generator issues, changed the windshield wipers, jiggled wires to make the auto-pilot come back to life and now has not only changed the engine’s oil but properly and correctly disposed of the used oil. Will wonders ever cease?

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