Tuesday, January 15, 2008

We will be here a while so let’s talk Blog

Well, it looks like we are going to be here in Mobile for a while – at least another week. The weather is predicted to turn COLD, rainy and downright nasty. Now I know that our friends and family back in the Midwest as truly freezing with temperatures below zero, but down here temperatures in the 20s and 30s are determined as hazardous to one’s health. I guess it is all relative…We are safe and warm inside the boat, so we are just fine.

Secondly, with the winds coming from the north and at this particular time during the moon cycle, the water levels in the area are exceedingly low. Even if the weather was better, we are not sure that we could leave our slip due to the low waters. What I have found interesting is that when the winds blow from the north, the water in Mobile Bay is literally blown out into the Gulf. So in addition to awaiting southerly winds for the warmth, we need the southerly winds to bring the water back into Mobile Bay.

So, with all that being said, let’s talk about the blog. I have noticed that we have had very few comments left on our blog. I was not sure why this was happening because many of you email or call us to let us know that you are following the blog.

In order to discover why no one was leaving comments, I turned to Sage Terry, aka The Reunion Queen, for the answer to this question. She (and others) stated that it was “just too hard to leave comments because Blogger made it too difficult” for them to do so. I pondered this and did some Blogger research and called Terry back for some serious in depth study of the situation. From what I can gather, Terry and others have been trying to leave comments via our email address link which is located on the left hand side of the blog. If one tries to use that area, yes indeedy, Blogger does make the task of leaving a comment very difficult.

HOWEVER, if one uses the “COMMENTS” area (highlighted in blue) at the end of each blog entry, then it is very easy to leave comments for us. All one has to do is select the COMMENTS area and then another page will open where you can type your comments. If you have a gmail or Blogger id, you may use that identity if you wish but if you do not, then just select “anonymous” as your identity. Please leave your comment followed by a signature (first name) or initials so that we will know who the message is from. The comment will be visible to all who read the blog. Many times when I read other people’s blogs, the comments are more fun and interesting than the actual blog content. Since we have many clever, funny and inventive friends, I am sure that the comment potential for our blog is endless. I totally welcome your comments and suggestions.

In addition, if at any time you wish to see a picture in a larger view, simply double click the picture. It will then open in another window so that you may view the details better. If anyone is still having difficulty leaving a comment, please just give me a call or send me an email and I will call you to talk you through the process. It is our hope that you all are finding the blog to be interesting and will continue to follow our adventures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lake Erie has a similar issue with sustained winds out of the West.