Friday, January 25, 2008

Back to Indiana

See, it did not take me too long before I was able to get back to the computer - I am actually typing this message in the old fashioned two fingered hunt-and peck method…

Today my follow up visit to Dr Cockrell in Mobile had very good news. The finger looks “nice and pink”. I have feeling in the re-attached finger tip and overall “all is progressing nicely – all things considered”. He wants me to be seen either by him or a doctor of my choice within the next week so that the finger can be monitored. Captain Mark and I were taught how to clean and twice daily change the wound dressing.

Personally, I thought the finger looked wonderful and I was elated that I had sensation in the finger. My pointer and middle fingers were also badly bruised and I am very lucky that they were not severed as well.

We have agreed to go home to Indiana to seek medical care. Mark also feels that I would relax better “at home”. We will follow up with a hand specialist either in Indy or Chicago.


Anonymous said...

If you can do the blog, you can email. Where are you?

Paul and Emy Struve said...

So sorry to hear about your accident - wow, how scary. Glad to hear you're on the mend though.

See you someday again!
Paul and Em on Restless Wind at anchor in St. Petersburg, FL.

Anonymous said...

That's great news that you received from the doctor. Safe travels to Indiana. Please let us know if and when you come to Chicago.
