Sunday, January 13, 2008

Getting Settled In: Before

Yesterday and today have been pretty much clones of each other. Each day we got up and headed to our closest IHOP. We had breakfast at IHOP because I had coupons for “buy one, get one free” breakfast meals and I was not going to waste those precious coupons. I really do like IHOP, the new ones anyway. The older ones need some major cleaning or remodeling. AND besides the IHOP was on our way to my favorite store.

I was in search of organizing supplies, namely medium sized plastic containers that would fit in the various cubby-holes of the boat that I had not already filled with yarn. I was successful in my search, so it was back to the boat to put everything in its place. People constantly ask me how we can live on such a little boat and why our boat is not cluttered looking. I just smile and say that “less is more at this point in my life” and Captain Mark comments that I am the queen of organization. I do truly believe that there is a place for everything and that everything should be in its place.

With that thought in mind, I must tell you what I did when we were home for the holidays. My sister, Lisa, works for CVS and once a year they have a family & friends sale whereby we get an additional 30% off whatever we purchase. As Mark and I have already experienced the trauma of being out of shampoo and having to pay $6.00 a bottle for Prell (that we knew had been on the shelves of the marina store for at least four years) I decided that I would stock up on everything that we might need for the next six months that I could purchase at CVS.

In addition I canned 6 quarts of chili, 12 pints of spaghetti sauce and 8 pints of sloppy joes. My task was to find places for all of these things in an organized and orderly fashion – Captain Mark was convinced that I would never be able to find places for “all this stuff”. Tomorrow I will show evidence that everything on the boat must serve at least two purposes and must have its own place to reside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love IHOP too.