Saturday, June 20, 2009


As several of you have noted, yes we do have four grandchildren aka The Wunder Kids and yes, there has only been mention of three such Wunder Kids to date. That is not because we play favorites or that I have not had time or the inclination to introduce all four Wunder Kids but rather that the fourth Wunder Kid was ADAMANT that I do not hint, mention or in any way acknowledge him via the blog/internet by name or by picture. He did tell me that I could refer to him As The Wunder Kid Who May Not Be Named or ATWKWMNBN for short. When we started this trip ATWKWMNBN was in the first grade and he learned in school that children should not have their name or photo posted to the internet because then they would be at risk of being kidnapped. Now ATWKWMNBN is a very serious young man and takes to heart the rules of life especially if told to him by a teacher. He went so far as to be very concerned that his Aunt Beth and her pugs, as well as his siblings were all at risk because I both mentioned them and posted their pictures to the blog.

ATWKWMNBN is a charming, intelligent and extremely good looking young man and it has been very difficult for me NOT to brag about him and his accomplishments these past few years. He is an excellent chess player and he has won both money and trophies as a result of his ability to do well while amassing points while playing in US Chess Federation sanctioned tournaments. When we were back in the Midwest this winter ATWKWMNBN and Captain Mark jointly played in a sanctioned tournament where ATWKWMNBN tied for first place in his age group and together they placed third in the Adult/Child team category. After much whining on my part, ATWKWMNBN did agree to allow me to post this picture of him on the blog.

Then something wonderful happened, ATWKWMNBN realized that having his picture and first name mentioned on his grandmother’s blog might not be the worst thing that could happen to him in life. When talking with him on the phone recently I once again asked if I could talk about him on the blog and he said “I guess it would be okay, Grandma.” I was shocked and pleased beyond words, so therefore without further ado, please meet our grandson Mark.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

Just doing a little catch up on your blog entries. Hope you are well and that you made it to Philly ok. We all enjoyed meeting you and hope you get to visit again soon. BTW, we aren't that far by car from Philly should you get bored (hint! hint!).