Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Knitting, Friends & Boating

I could have just as easily entitled this blog entry Boating Knitting Friends or Knitting Boating Friends. My favorite thing about both knitting and boating is how well the two action verbs go together – in fact in my mind, they are inseparable. I can knit when I am not on the boat but I am never without my knitting while onboard. I am busy with my Deck Monkey duties while docking and departing, but then I have all the time in between to knit. There is nothing better in my mind than cruising along, listening to a great audio book and knitting away the day.

Ravelry is a wonderful knitting (and crochet) site which brings together over 300,000 knitters (and crocheters) from around the world. Once inside the Ravelry site one finds hundreds of groups for like-minded folks to join and to share our passions. I can not tell you how excited I was to find a Ravelry Group for Chesapeake Bay Cruisers, but to be honest “they” found me and asked me to join. I could not have been more flattered and joined immediately. The group’s cheerleader is Tanya who keeps the conversational threads lively and fun. She also happens to work in a knitting shop where many knitterly Bay cruisers frequent.

To my delight, Chesapeake City was the perfect place to stop and spend some time. Captain Mark totally indulged me by saying that we could stay as long as I wanted so that I could meet Tanya and spend the day at Vulcan’s Rest. Tanya was such a trooper because while she was not feeling well and had laryngitis, she readily and eagerly agreed to come into Vulcan’s Rest on her day off to spend the day with me. Tanya has the most delightful sense of humor and infectious laugh. Immediately upon meeting shop staff Pat and owner Margaret, I fell in love with the Vulcan’s Rest. We spent the day laughing, chatting while sharing boating and knitting adventures. Tanya and her husband are anxiously awaiting the delivery of a new custom made sailboat which should arrive in August.

Then when I thought the day could not get any better, Tanya invited me to Open Knitting which was to take place that evening. After taking all of my yarn & book purchases back to the Lolligag, Captain Mark rowed ** me back to shore again so that I could attend the evening Open Knitting Group. Everyone was most welcoming and friendly and I had a wonderful time. BUT then the coolest thing happened…as I was leaving and asked if I could have a group photo for my blog, another member of Ravelry introduced herself…Deb. We just laughed in delight to discover that each other was present the whole evening and did not realize who each other were…it just goes to show how well knitters and boaters blend together!

** Captain Mark had to row me to shore in the dinghy because the NEW outboard motor was not starting. It turned out there was an air lock in the fuel line and Mark was able to get it fixed by the time he had to return to shuttle me back to the Lolligag.

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