Monday, June 22, 2009

Doors Repaired – Kind of…

It seems that this entire boating season thus far has been driven by the stupid break in and I am convinced that the saga will never end. The repairs that were completed in Annapolis were done wonderfully and we sincerely want to commend Danny of the Annapolis Harbor Boatyard for the professional and diligent job he did in completing our repairs.
Bless his heart, he ran into a serious problem with the paint which made it necessary for him to work multiple hours overtime on a Friday evening in order to complete our job. It seems that there was something wrong with the paint and it took many coats and re-dos to satisfy Danny’s perfectionist nature. Just before dark on the Friday evening in question, Danny and Tom were confident that the paint was dry enough to remove the masking and protective plastic and call the job finished.

However, once the protective plastic was removed it was very evident that WE ALL had missed a spot that needed to be repaired next to the door handle on the aft door. I was sick about the situation not because it was missed but because I knew that Danny had worked so hard to make sure that our job was done perfectly and I knew that he was going to be upset when he saw that he had missed this spot. In all fairness to the Annapolis Boat Yard and especially Danny, it was OUR error in not noticing that the area had not been primed and readied well before Danny started to do the actual painting.

We brought the situation to the attention of the AHB and were a little taken aback by their response that this area of repair was NOT part of the original price quote…however since Danny spent more than the estimated number of hours painting due to the contaminated paint and AHB choose not to charge us for the additional hours of Danny’s time, we thought it best to let the situation be as it may and have the additional repair done at the end of this boating season.

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