Wednesday, May 13, 2009

YRYH to Cape Charles

We left York River Yacht Haven today with the most wonderfully calm seas ever…it was like glass crossing the Bay to Cape Charles resulting in a delightful four hour cruise.

Neither Captain Mark nor I realized how much each of us missed cruising and it felt so good to be back on the water. That is until we reached the channel for the town harbor in Cape Charles. Instantly the wind picked up like crazy. We made it into the slip just fine but then the wind pushed us diagonally in the slip before I was able to get us secure…we looked rather stupid and it was certainly not a pretty docking but no one was hurt and no boats were struck which is all that counts at the end of the day. Also, Mark and I each forgot to put on our headset which is a total no-no resulting in neither of us being able to hear the other. I was finally able to get us pulled forward and secured, then backward to be tied onto the piling at the stern.

All things considered I guess it is not bad for our first time back on the water after six months of land. We will be here until Saturday when we will head to back to the western shore for a Nordic Tug rendezvous in Smithfield, Virginia.

Hours on the water: 4.0
Nautical miles traveled: 26.7
Number of bridges to be opened: 0
Time spent waiting at bridge: 0
Next Destination: Smithfield, VA
What we are listening to: Columbine by Dave Cullen
What we watched: Season Finale of Lost
Lesson for the day: It feels so good to be back on the water
Obligatory knitting report: Finished Socks from Hell for Mark

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