Friday, May 1, 2009

The Lolligag goes in the water

I was very excited to learn that the boat was not yet in the water when we arrived at YRYH, however, Captain Mark was not so happy. Not because the boat was not in the water but because this meant that he HAD to watch the yard crew lift, transport and lower the boat into the water. With neither of our large boats have we ever been present when the boats were placed in or taken from the water. I really do think that Captain Mark prefers to believe that Water Fairies come during the night and miraciously lift boats to and from the water and that no humans are responsbile for any part of this task. NOW he was to have his Water Fairy fantasy busted AND he will be required to watch as mere mortals performed the task of transporting HIS boat. Beth took one look at her father and said "Dad is really nervous, isn't he about watching them move the boat..." Normally Mark is extremely laid back, almost to a fault, but as the boat lift apparatus was moved into place and with arms crossed he started a pacing routine that did not stop until the boat was in the water and he was standing at the helm of the Lolligag.

I thought watching the whole process was way cool and very interesting. I was mightly impressed by the way Angie manuevered and ever so skillfully handled the boat lift. Like any task done well, she made it look much easier than I am sure it is. She later told us that she has been lifting boats for eighteen years and has never had a mishap.

However, as it turned out, getting the boat in the water was the easy part. Once at the helm and prepared to back the Lolligag out of the lifting well, Captain Mark discovered that the engine would not start. Of course the problem was with the batteries which needed to be charged. We could not jump them with the normal battery jumping methods and therefore it was necessary to charge the batteries at least overnight with shore power. SO, we and the YRYH boat yard staff "walked" the boat along the pilings to an open slip and reigned her in for the weekend. Here she will charge her batteries and hopefully will start in the morning.

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