Friday, June 27, 2008

Tom Creek Anchorage

As we left Beaufort it was a bright, clear and very hot day. It was also a day for us to see things in the water and in the sky. I know that I may be getting a little paranoid with having our picture taken as we pass each and every military vessel and base but all of a sudden we had fighter jets and prop planes flying very low over us again and again. I could actually see the flight crew in the cockpits.

Any minute I was expecting a seaplane to land on the water in front of us…Then my paranoia subsided just a tad when I noticed that I was seeing the same two planes over and over again…it seems that just as there is a Marine base south of Beaufort, there is a Naval Airbase just north and the two pilots were practicing their take off and landings (but I am sure that a crew member was snapping our photo as they passed overhead!).

Also along this stretch of water, we saw more dolphins than ever. They were either following us or they were everywhere. What we have noticed is that the dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico are more playful than the dolphins that we have seen in the Atlantic.

We also came upon another Osprey nest on a day marker.

We reached our anchorage by mid-afternoon with plenty of time to meet and socialize with Karen, John and Bill aboard the sailing vessel Alleluia. Karen and John spent the winter in Fort Lauderdale aboard Alleluia and with Bill’s assistance they are returning to their home in the Chesapeake area.

At sunset it looked like rain but the clouds just passed us by.

Notice how great the tides are in this area.

It was high tide when we arrived.

And low tide when we left in the morning.

Hours on the water: 5.5
Nautical miles traveled: 35.9
Number of bridges to be opened: 0
Time spent waiting at bridge: 0
Next Destination: City Marina in Charleson
What we're listening to: Finished Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil and started To the Nines by Janet Evanovich
What we watched: The sunset
Lesson for the day: It is always so good to meet new friends
Obligatory knitting report: Mittens for the Wunder Kids

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