Wednesday, February 20, 2008

As Yogi Berra would say

" It's deja vu all over again".

We packed the pick-em-up truck the night before, got up early and headed to our favorite restaurant, The Corner Café, met our neighbor, Mr Moore, for breakfast (his treat this time) and then headed south to Mobile.

Not surprisingly, once again I am fast asleep by the time we reach the Ohio River and cross into Kentucky. Since I really can not knit very well, I tend to fall asleep even faster now. When we left Indiana the temperature was 17 degrees, as we entered Alabama it is 70 degrees. I woke up just as we entered Alabama warmed by the sunshine.

We made really good time in that it only took us ten hours this time. Since this was the evening of the lunar eclipse I asked Captain Mark if we could stop every 30 minutes after 8p so that we could watch the progress of the eclipse. We were very lucky because Alabama was one of the few spots in the US that was not cloud covered. The moon was absolutely breath-taking and it was a treat to watch the eclipse from start to almost finish. The moon was almost completely covered by the time we reached Dog River Marina so we found some liquid refreshments and sat outside on top of the boat in the warm winter air to watch the eclipse complete. It was very easy to be captivated by the lure of the moon.

It was good to see The Lolligag again and to see that she sustained no damage as a result of the recent tornadoes and violent storms that passed through the Gulf Coast while we were in Indiana. Home Sweet Boat…

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