Thursday, April 23, 2009

Land Pirates Are Another Issue Altogether!

While I am at the Orthopedics’ office and subsequently the hospital having all sorts of emergent and slimy tests performed, drainings, squeezing of swollen appendages and hurtful shots (but more whining about me in another blog entry) Captain Mark received a call from the York River Yacht Haven Service Yard that our boat had been broken into and has suffered some pretty major damage. We are upset on so many levels about this that I hardly know where to start…This is what we do know…it appears that our boat was broken into by land pirates attempting to enter through the aft door initially. This attempt to gain entry was unsuccessful. The news that we have received is that the aft door is a mess and probably will not be able to be repaired which means a new one will have to be ordered from Nordic. When that point of entry did not work, the nasty people broke the window on the port side of the pilot house and entered the boat. The boat was/is on the hard and we took most items of value back to Indiana with us when we left last fall…so we will not know exactly what is missing until we get to the boat next week. YRYH personnel said the boat was ransacked rather thoroughly but they can not tell what if anything was taken, however it appears that all of our built-in electronics are still in place. Let’s hope so because the electronics installation is the one area where we really splurged. Mark brought the auto-pilot main device home so we know that part is okay.

We are reserving judgment on how this episode was handled until we have all the facts. We have not yet seen the police report and we are not sure if anyone took photos. Needless to say we are dumbfounded, pissed and very disappointed about this. We should arrive in Yorktown next week and we shall see…

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