Saturday, July 11, 2009

Wunder Kid Mark Visits Philly & NYC

There is nothing more fun in this whole wide world that Captain Mark and I like to do than spend time with the Wunder Kids. The summer before each grandchild turns ten years old they may choose a place in the US and we will plan a trip to that destination - just that Wunder Kid and us. This year it is Mark's turn to choose and he wanted to see New York City. When planning the trip, we learned very quickly that staying in NYC is extremely expensive anyway but boat dockage for 7-14 days was totally outside of our budget. SO, we got creative and as most life events turn out, our plan could not have been better if we had actually planned it this way from the beginning.

In researching all the transportation options, dockage fees, time available around WK Mark’s summer camp plans and interests we finally concluded that the best plan was to stay in Philadelphia for a longer period of time. By renting a car for a three week period we could drive back to Indiana to get WK Mark, have the car in Pennsylvania as needed and then drive into NYC to stay in a hotel for three days. Believe it or not, this plan was so much cheaper and more flexible than either flying into NYC or having the boat in a NYC marina for the duration of WK Mark’s visit. BUT the best part of the plan was one that we did not initially even consider…The World Chess Open was scheduled for July 3-5 in Philly and if we timed it right, both Marks would be able to participate. All the nautical/chess/knitting stars must have aligned because our plans fell into place almost magically.


After an extremely brief visit with family and with WK Mark in tow, we headed back to Philly. While I am sure that WK Mark considered The World Open to be the ONLY reason to visit Philadelphia, this grandmother insisted that historical sites, tours and some video games be added to his touristy diet. Being the polite and well mannered young man that he is, he did agree to indulge his grandmother – however I am not sure that his heart was totally captured by this City of Brotherly Love. As a reward for being such a good sport, several trips took place to which was located adjacent to our marina.

Finally, it was time for The World Open that was being held at a downtown Philadelphia hotel not too far from the marina. Over the course of three days, the two Marks each played nine games of chess in a rated format. Theoretically they could have met each other in a match since they were in the same ranked category. The final outcome for their division was that WK Mark came in 10th, Captain Mark came in 39th and both had a wonderful experience. The smile on WK Mark’s face when we saw the final results was priceless.

Since I am the reigning Ellis/Ledgerwood family Sorry Game champion, I was delighted to find an urban art display inspired by contemporary board games located in downtown Philly.

The Phillies were playing at home and the blimp was constantly overhead.

New York City

Quickly recovering from the World Chess Open we headed to New York City. Since none of us have visited NYC before what better place to stay than the Westin at Times Square. This was the perfect place as it was centrally located for easy transportation and what an exciting place to have as our home base while in "the city". Of course in keeping with the Times Square reputation, the first "attraction" that we saw was the naked cowboy standing right in the middle of the street.

WK Mark had done his homework and he knew exactly where he wanted to go, see and do while in NYC. Keeping historical sites to a minimum and lighthearted, we visited only the most important places in a young man's dream vacation where only a granparent will buy you an eight foot Anaconda (stuffed) and a pound of M&Ms that you do not have to share.

AND most importantly, we visited the Chess and Checkers House in Central Park. Like a plot from a movie, WK Mark's experience was the very best!! Upon arriving he was a little shy so Captain Mark played the first game of chess with Elvin, the chess master of Central Park. Then kindly Elvin agreed to play a match with WK Mark and was immediately blown away by the moves that Mark was making and the caliber of the game unfolding. Let me add that while adults will often let children win at board games that is never the case in chess. Most importantly no serious chess player wants to slight the intelligent aspect of the game or opponent by making a match less challenging. Once Elvin realized that WK Mark was indeed an outstanding chess player the game took on life of its own. Over the course of the 90 minute match crowds gathered to watch as WK Mark gave Elvin the "best game in a long long time". At the conclusion of the match, Elvin graciously declined the money Mark offered him and asked instead only that Mark continue to enhance his chess skills so that one day Elvin can say that he had known Mark when he was just starting out...

Sadly, all too soon it was time to return WK Mark to his parents.

When we returned to boat after taking Mark home, we found the following message that was left on Captain Mark's whiteboard:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this post!!!