Thursday, October 18, 2007

Captain’s Log: Star date: October 18, 2007

At the end of each four week period (28 days) Captain Mark will give me the following statistics to post. This will be the highlight of the blog each month, I AM SURE! I thought it would also be interesting if along with these mundane and anal facts that I include a photo update of Captain Mark’s ponytail. This way we can see if there is a correlation between the amount of fuel consumed and how quickly the ponytail grows. I would say that we should also track how quickly the Captain’s hair is graying but since my hair is grayer than Mark’s we will not note or record that vital statistic.

Total nautical miles traveled to date: 807.6
Converted to statute miles: 928.7
Total running hours: 114.03
Average speed: 7.08 knots or 8.14 mph
Number of days running: 20
Average nautical miles per day: 40.4
Converted to statute miles: 46.4
Number of locks: 16
Anchored out: 10 nights
At marinas: 18 nights
Total fuel used: 256.6 gallons
Fuel burn rate: 2.25 gallons per hour
Fuel mileage: 3.1 nautical miles per gallon
Fuel mileage converted to statute miles: 3.6 miles per gallon
Average cost per gallon of diesel fuel: $3.30

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