Saturday, August 30, 2008

Five Weeks in Washington, DC

Both Captain Mark and I had been to DC before but it was during our previous lives as employed people so we did not have much, if any, time to be serious tourists. When planning this trip we knew that we wanted to spend at least three months in the Chesapeake area with plenty of time in Washington, DC. When deciding where to stay, the choice was easy but we were not sure if they would be able to accommodate us, but luck was on our side once again as we were able to dock at The Capital Yacht Club for the entire five weeks.

DC is ninety-five miles up the Potomac River from Chesapeake Bay. After spending the night following the bad storm in Colonial Beach, we were on our way to the big city. It was amazing to me that we had the Potomac River all to ourselves almost the entire trip. I am not sure if this is reflective of the high fuel costs, the fact that we were traveling on a Monday or if this is just the way it is along the Potomac. We saw a couple of marinas after Colonial Beach but not nearly as many as we had expected.

We passed Quantico the home of the FBI. I know we were photographed as we passed through these waters.

Then we came upon Mount Vernon. It is our plan to stop to see George’s home on our return trip back downriver, so more about Mount Vernon later.

Rural landscape and large estate homes gave way as we approached Old Town Alexandria letting us know that we were getting closer to downtown DC. It gave me Goose Bumps when I first spotted the Washington Monument.

Then to our starboard side, we could see the Capitol Building.

It was all so exciting and almost too much to take in at one time. Seeing the sights from the waterway was thrilling and wonderful because we knew what a special view we had, one that most people never get to experience.

Then all of a sudden helicopters and airplanes were flying VERY low overhead. I could not figure out why until Captain Mark told me that all aircraft in the DC area must fly over water until reaching their destination. Also, Reagan National Airport was about a mile south and across the river from The Capital Yacht Club.

We reached our slip and we were so excited because we were placed in the last slip next to the river. What this meant is that all of the helicopters making trips back and forth to the White House would fly directly over our boat. We have heard other boaters complain about what a nuisance this was due to the noise, but we loved every minute and every sound of being in this location.

Hours on the water: 8.25
Nautical miles traveled: 63
Number of bridges to be opened: 0
Time spent waiting at bridge: 0
Next Destination: We are here for a while
What we listening to: Lean Mean Thirteen by Janet Evanovich
What we watched: Everything around us as we came into DC
Lesson for the day: Its okay to be excited!
Obligatory knitting report: Mittens for the Wunder Kids


Anonymous said...

Washington was AWESOME, just like the Jonas Brothers!! LOL Beth

Anonymous said...

Being on the Lolligag with my Grandma and Papa is AWESOME. Just like Simon Le Bon and Duran Duran! Madeline