This was our third trip/time spent in Annapolis so that made the leaving even harder. Having spent so much time in and around Annapolis, we quickly came to discover the charm, history and proud tradition of one of America’s oldest cities. So while departing when I was doing my Deck Monkey duties of tidying the lines, fenders and the outside of the boat, I was able to look back upon Annapolis and know that our time spent in Annapolis was truly one of the highlights of this trip.
Our destination today is Chesapeake City, Maryland at the very top of the Chesapeake Bay. I am so pleased to be going to Chesapeake City for several reasons. With the boat doors repaired, it seems like this year’s adventures are finally getting underway – we can head north to see what there is to see. Secondly, our arrival in Chesapeake City will mark our departure from the Chesapeake Bay and officially designate our travel into the C&D Canal, the Delaware River and ultimately the Atlantic Ocean. Thirdly, I am extremely excited to meet in person my cyber Boating/Knitting/Ravelry friend Tanya who works at the knitting shop in Chesapeake City. This event will, I am sure, warrant its own blog story.

As we travel north on the Bay, we note that the waterway narrows from the area where neither shore is visible into a wide winding river-like path. We pass several large ocean going vessels making their way to/from Philly and Wilmington, Delaware.

As we approach Chesapeake City, the first thing that we see is the huge bridge spanning the tip of the Bay and officially (at least to boaters) designating the beginning of the C&D Canal. Captain Mark does an excellent job of navigating the shoal and shallow water which marks the entrance to the CC harbor and anchorage basin. There is a marina, but we opted to anchor in “the basin” during our visit. It has been so long since we have anchored out that I think we both wanted to anchor out just because we could.

On a humorous note, we quickly saw/heard that the anchorage had a boating bully. For some odd reason this guy did not bother or yell at us but he literally chased away (with not very nice language) at least four sail boaters who he claimed were attempting to anchor too close to this boat and/or anchor rode.
Hours on the water: 7.5
Nautical miles traveled: 52.5
Number of bridges to be opened: 0
Time spent waiting at bridge: 0
Next Destination: Chesapeake City, Maryland
What we are listening to: Stone Cold by David Baldacci
Lesson for the day: It feels good to be on our way again
Obligatory knitting report: Brown Striped Sox for Captain Mark